Must-Haves For a High Converting Landing Page Design

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Must-Haves For a High Converting Landing Page Design

Are you tired of not getting enough conversions from your ad campaigns? Your landing page might be the culprit behind your low conversion rate.

Having a landing page that actually converts visitors is not much of a science. Just like you focus on each detail of your ad design and copy, it’s important to consider optimizing your landing page – because that’s where the connection begins.

Now, you must be wondering what it takes to create a killer landing page that converts. But we have the right reason for you to continue reading this blog.

We’ll provide you with actionable tips and insights for creating a landing page that works for your business. So, without wasting any more time, let’s take a closer look at it right away!

What is Meant by a High-Converting Landing Page?

Landing pages serve as the welcome mat for visitors when they arrive at your website after clicking a link or an ad. This initial stage decides whether the visitor will pass down the sales funnel and make a conversion or simply leave your website by having an unpleasant experience.

However, to understand a high-converting landing page, let’s take a step forward to first know the ideal conversion rate for landing pages.

According to Unbounce, the average conversion rate for a landing page falls across 9.7%. But it doesn’t mean that you must question your strategies if your landing page isn’t making the average conversions because the average conversion rate varies on various aspects, including industry niche and the primary goal of a landing page.

A high-converting landing page is the ultimate way to acquire maximum conversions by compelling the visitors to take action by filling out a form, making a purchase, or signing up for an offer.

Why Landing Page Is Important?

Have you ever lingered upon a webpage that instantly grabbed your attention and motivated you to explore further?

That’s how a landing page works. It is the first impression of your business on your customers that can make or break your marketing strategy. If your landing page fails to captivate the target audience, your conversion rate will drop to zero.

And what’s the need to spend time and effort on campaigns that bring traffic to your website, but you’re still unable to convert them?

That’s where the need to improvise your landing page arises. Once your landing page is up to the standards of your ideal persona, then nothing can stop you from having ultimate conversions and sales.

How to Create a Landing Page that Converts?

We know you’ve been waiting to uncover the essential elements that are needed to create a high-converting landing page. So, brace yourselves with the following tips you might need to design a stellar landing page for your website.

1. Identify Your Primary Goal

It’s not typically an element that comes under the anatomy of a landing page, but it’s surely a significant strategy that must go with it.

Having a clear goal or idea of what outcome you will achieve with a particular landing page is necessary to shape the overall structure of your landing page.

Whether you want customers to subscribe to your company’s newsletter or need more people to purchase products from your ecommerce store, you must align your landing page’s core message and structure with your prior goal.

2. Make the Most of Hero Section to Maximize Impact

The hero section on your landing page is where your visitors first put their eyes on. If it fails to capture their interest, they will likely move out of your website without scrolling the whole landing page.

You must provide a clear answer of why they should be here and how your product and service differentiate from others in the market.

Your images, videos, text, and every element in your hero section must contribute to a delightful experience for users to continue exploring the other aspects of your landing page or instantly click on your CTA (in the best case). 

3. Create a Captivating Header that Makes Everyone Stop for a While 

Attractive headers are what instill soul into the body of your landing page. Make sure your heading provides clear value to your visitors.

When your headers are boring and bland, it will not compel the readers to read more on your landing page. Your headers must be bold and straightforward and deliver the core benefit of your business.

In fact, Neil Patel, the famous digital marketer, eloquently said, “For a high-converting landing page (a lead magnet), your headline must be creative, straight to the point, create urgency, and solve a particular problem.”

Moreover, you must conduct thorough research to identify your customer’s behavior and pain points to align your headers that resonate with their interest and preferences.

Also, it is good to give a creative tinge to your headings, but don’t let the creativity steal the charm of simplicity and core messaging.

4. Let Your Subheadings Guide the Way Towards Action 

Subheadings are the ultimate way to showcase the additional benefits or elaborate your brand messaging further, which you are unable to convey through headlines. You want your visitors to stick longer to your website and ultimately make an end decision, right?

That’s only possible when you segment down your landing page and provide the necessary information through subheadings. This information helps visitors to understand your services or products and encourages them to try or find out more about them.

5. Ensure Consistent Messaging and Tone Throughout

When it comes to designing a landing page that converts, it’s important to keep in mind that not every strategy works for every business. Instead, you must align your brand messaging and tone with your landing page content to actively communicate what you want customers to do.

Inconsistent messaging leads to ambiguity, which makes the visitors leave your website. It also lessens your conversion rate as visitors find it difficult to comprehend the actual directive behind your content.

Additionally, it’s better to opt for a simple yet engaging tone to highlight your business’s benefits and Unique selling proposition (USPs) rather than using jargon or bulky keywords that visitors find challenging to read and comprehend.

6. Craft an Engaging and Persuasive Copy that Converts

Did you know that addressing the audience’s fears through copies could bring 80% of conversions?

That’s how powerful your landing page copies can get if created effectively. Your copy must be compelling enough to catch the attention of your visitors and get them hooked to your landing page.

You must ensure to add positive elements of your offerings in your copies concisely. In fact, pages with 200 words or less deliver much better results than the ones dragging the content and making the visitors bored.

Moreover, Bragging and selling your own offers instead of providing value to the users or connecting with them through actionable words and insights is also not an effective approach to maximizing conversions.

You must focus on catering to user needs by providing them with the solutions they seek. Additionally, consider writing short and precise paragraphs that enhance readability and answer customer’s queries in an effective way. 

7. Focus on Visuals

It’s human psychology that visuals appear to be more attractive than text.

This adds to the fact that having enlightening images, videos, and infographics on your landing pages has a higher chance of making the audience stay longer on your website. You should choose appealing images and videos that evoke the interest of your target audience. You can source such visuals from Google, visual-selling websites, or using AI-generated art and images customized to your landing page’s requirements. Simply provide AI art prompts to image generation tools, and they will produce images for you.

While 30% of top-performing landing pages use video content to show their products and services, it’s the ultimate chance for you to start creating videos that efficiently make your audience build a connection with your brand.

Avoid making the fuss around using controversial images and videos that hurt the audience’s sentiments. Also, make sure to optimize your visuals for your customers’ preferred device or screen size.

8. Design a Clear and Click-Worthy CTA

CTA acts as the ticket to conversion for your audience. It means that when visitors click on your CTA, they are determined to make a conversion.But it’s not as simple as it sounds. In fact, if you are CTA is unable to clearly deliver the message, your customers might bounce back out even after reaching the final stage.

However, you must design a CTA that is simple yet impactful without using heavy text or verbiage that turns down the user’s interest.

Also, it is vital to place your CTAs typically at the most prominent position on your landing page, which visitors can easily find and act.

9. Pick the Right Colors

Yes, choosing the right colors is also an essential part of your landing page creation.

Just like you get selective when picking the right color for your bedroom to make you feel cozy and comfortable, it’s crucial to provide a pleasing experience to your customers by using colors that suit their interests.

For example, various brands often use white backgrounds with a hint of orange or pink to clearly impact customers’ thoughts and behavior.

Similarly, you can choose colors for your CTA to let it get your visitor’s attention. Red, blue, green, and orange are the preferred colors for CTA that you can use to earn more clicks.

Remember to choose colors that complement your brand image and resonate with your target audience rather than going with the ones you think are trending.

10. Add Social Proof to Build Trust

You may or may not agree, but the reality is people nowadays are inclined to make choices influenced by others. In fact, 88% of consumers trust online reviews more than their personal recommendations.

In this scenario, if your landing page lacks social proof in the forms of reviews, testimonials, feedback, or more, then you might have a lower chance of converting users to your customers.

These elements add credibility to your business and help foster long-lasting customer relationships. Also, ensure to add authentic reviews and ratings on your landing pages that can stand true when verified.

Wrap Up:

Now that you’ve understood the building blocks behind creating a high-converting landing page design, it’s time to wear your creative hat and start capitalizing on your landing pages to maximize conversion rate.

However, in this struggle of designing stellar landing pages, don’t forget to continuously optimize and test your designs and choose the one that suits and works best for your audience. Also, we are just a click away if you want a professional touch to your landing pages!


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